Early Birthday Loves

My daddy and step-mama love me very much!  Josh and I  had planned to go down to Murray to spend the evening with my dad and mama-becca for a birthday get-together.  However they are preparing to go on a trip and I have been getting more and more sick over the last four days, so a decision was made to not go visit because of risk of spreading the sickness to the travelers.

Because they love me so much they decided to bring my birthday presents and the dinner they had prepared up to Brigham for me.  Rebecca made me some beautiful feather earrings and a feather hair clip as well as getting me a very lovely rock necklace (so I can steal the wire wrapping techniques for my rock jewelry.  They also got me a fabulous dremel tool!  Josh has one and his mom has two and now I have my own that is better than all the others!!!  It has the ability to mount to a drill press thing so eventually I’ll have a full setup to be able to drill my rocks and I can do tons of other things with it too!

In addition to my lovely gifts there are now ribs cooking in the oven and soon to be artichokes steaming and bread warming.  It makes me feel so loved that they were willing to bring my birthday up to the sick little me.  After dinner there is a cute little chocolate cake with white frostings (my favorite!!)  and I can tell you it is one of the best cakes I have ever tasted….because I already had a piece.  I needed something to make me last until the ribs are ready.  Mmmmm….ribs.  I would invite you all over for ribs, but I am sick and don’t want to spread my diseases…so more deliciousness for me!!

My mom has also already given me my birthday present!  She is buying my new glasses for me.  I picked them out in November but have not had the money to go buy them.  I am going to go order them on Monday, I will post pictures when I get them.  Yay birthday!!

My actual birthday is next Thursday, the 16th.  For a celebration we are going to invite our friends to go see The Secret World of Arietty on Friday night (the day it comes to theaters here in the US) and then we will have cakes and be happy.

Thank you my wonderful family for loving me so much!!

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